Monday, December 25, 2017

Small Joys - My 30 Day Gratitude Project

Before starting my 30 Day Gratitude Project, I was in a bad place mentally. I was going through a very rough time, as we all do sometimes. As well as reaching out to my support network for help, I realized that I needed to do something to help myself to get out of this negative state of mind and back to a happier place.

I had to start small, so I decided to write down one positive thing that I experienced or noticed throughout the day, for one month. 100 or 365 days seemed like too much commitment and too overwhelming at the time, but 30 days seemed doable.

I ended up really enjoying noticing these beautiful little every day moments and adding them to the project list at the end of each day. At the end of the month, I'd noticed a huge improvement in my overall mood and appreciation for life in general. It worked! I felt like I'd had one of the best months of my life!

When reading 'The Wisdom of Sundays: Life-Changing Insights and Inspirational Conversations with Oprah Winfrey, I found words by the world's 1# motivational speaker Tony Robbins that explains the logic behind this technique perfectly: 'When you're suffering, it's hard to jump to ecstasy. So the first step I go to is appreciation. Anything. The wind. The look in your eye. Something that I can appreciate, because the minute you appreciate, you get out of your own self. You stop obsessing. Most of your suffering comes from expectation. Right? Trade your expectation for appreciation.'

After all, life is full of surprises and you never know what's just around the corner. What will today have in store? Sit back and watch the universe surprise you...

1. Free lunch in the tea room
2. Going straight to a hair appointment and not having to do my hair in the morning
3. Seeing the kids faces as they received their presents at the Special Children's Xmas Party
4. Finding mixed Pimms and Lemonade packs at the Bottl-o before a BBQ
5. Lying in our new hammock on the balcony
6. Catching up with and old friend and making a new one
7. Colouring in my toucan canvas
8. Laughing at nearly getting pooped on by a pigeon during a photoshoot
9. Hearing the announcement on the radio of the YES vote for marriage equality in Australia
10. 3 yr old boy asking me if we're best friends, moments after meeting me
11. First class back at the gym in months
12. Meeting a dog named Tiggy who snorts from joy when you pat him
13. Incidental exercise while location scouting at Commonwealth Park
14. Winning Ted's Travel Competition
15. Timing the evening's photoshoot perfectly to finish at sunset
16. Purchasing the last remaining Deer-lightful book at Harry Hartog
17. Client shed tears of happiness after seeing their Engagement photos for the first time
18. Free parking ticket from CISAC reception staff
19. An icy pole on a hot day by the lake
20. Patting the cat and all the dogs out a Gundaroo
21. Encouraging words from an Early Learning Centre Director at the end of my shift
22. Celebrating 10 years of friendship with Rozie
23. Made my first portrait sale over $1,000
24. Shopping!
25. Laughing so hard I snorted at 'A Very Canberra Comedy Christmas'
26. Driving home from a photoshoot and seeing a full moon against a pastel sky
27. Stumbling upon the perfect Christmas present for a loved one
28. Cuddles on the couch with Rob, telling each other about our days
29. Finding the most beautiful flowers had bloomed just outside our apartment door
30. Two 5 star reviews on my Facebook page from happy clients
31. Looking through boxes of old childhood memories at Mum and Dad's house

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