Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Book vs. Movie?

Recently, I've read five incredible books. Recently, I've watched five incredible movies. This is no coincidence.

The natural response when watching the movie after you've read the book of the same title is to make comparisons. To decide in your own mind which is better - the book or the movie. More often than not the opinion is that the book is better. With these particular books, however, I found myself appreciating the differences rather than being annoyed by them.




When watching the movies, I was pleasantly reminded of the hidden gems of word porn and the amusing or insightful situations I was first introduced to while reading the books. It made me smile when these popped up as inclusions in the movies. It was like watching my imagination come to life!

The parts that were different or where the director of the movie had used artistic licence merely added to the takeaways I took from the one story, just told two different ways. The best analogy I can come up with is to say it's like cracking one egg and then finding it has two yolks. Two for one! As always I have food on the mind!

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