Sunday, August 16, 2015

Potted Polyanthus Prettiness!

Sometimes inspiration strikes in the most unexpected of places. In this case, it was the supermarket! On an otherwise unexciting trip to Coles, I was drawn to these colourful, vibrant Polyanthus plants on display. I knew straight away what I planned to do with them and where I wanted to put them. Re-potted and placed either side of the front door, they would help to make the space feel more warm and welcoming.  
I lack patience and appreciate immediacy, so choosing my favourite colours of the pretty flowers on display to buy on the spot instead of growing seeds and having to wait weeks to see them pleased me greatly - instant joy! I left the supermarket smiling, I was feeling pretty damn happy with the pretty little purchases in my trolley.


I then sourced my modern long grey pots from Bunnings and got to work, with help and know-how from my Dad and my boyfriend. Dad tells me my Grandpa was always happier when he had a thumb in the dirt.

FACT: Gardening can help you live longer!

Polyanthus are perennial, so there's a good chance these plant babies will grace me with their presence next year too! Now I love coming home to such a beautiful bright front entrance.


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