Monday, August 17, 2015

For You, My Friend

I know it's so so hard
To believe that it's true
When your world feels so dark
You don't know how to get through

But those beautiful moments,
They're worth living for
You will feel them again
Like you've felt them before

When you stay in the car
To hear the last of the song
Your favourite tune on the radio
You haven't heard in so long

When the sun pokes out
Through the clouds in the sky
and shines down on the earth
As the birds fly on by

When you score a good goal
For you and your team
That winning feeling
You can't help but beam

When you laugh so hard
Your cheeks start to hurt
With the girl that you like
It's good fun to flirt

When one of your friends
Goes out of their way
To call for a chat and ask,
'How was your day?'

For however long it takes
For you to feel these things again
I will be here for you,
As your loyal friend


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