Monday, August 24, 2015

Hero Board

One of my first posts here on the Pretty Inspired Blog was about the power of creating a vision board. During a conversation about a recent mind-blowingly fun experience I had that was on said vision board, a friend of mine suggested I also create a hero board. 'What's that?' I asked.  
The purpose of a hero board is to work in conjunction with your vision board, so you not only strive to achieve your set goals and visualise and plan for good things to come in the future, but you can also look back on and feel proud of what you have already worked hard to achieve. It can also remind you of past moments you made happen that brought you joy or made you feel alive.
I have placed my hero board on the same wall as my vision board, either side of my computer desk, so I can be reminded daily of past moments I made happen that brought me joy and made me feel alive! It may look a little empty right now, but don't you worry, I'll change that!

Monday, August 17, 2015

For You, My Friend

I know it's so so hard
To believe that it's true
When your world feels so dark
You don't know how to get through

But those beautiful moments,
They're worth living for
You will feel them again
Like you've felt them before

When you stay in the car
To hear the last of the song
Your favourite tune on the radio
You haven't heard in so long

When the sun pokes out
Through the clouds in the sky
and shines down on the earth
As the birds fly on by

When you score a good goal
For you and your team
That winning feeling
You can't help but beam

When you laugh so hard
Your cheeks start to hurt
With the girl that you like
It's good fun to flirt

When one of your friends
Goes out of their way
To call for a chat and ask,
'How was your day?'

For however long it takes
For you to feel these things again
I will be here for you,
As your loyal friend



Used in a sentence: 'To get one's mojo back.'

13 points!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Potted Polyanthus Prettiness!

Sometimes inspiration strikes in the most unexpected of places. In this case, it was the supermarket! On an otherwise unexciting trip to Coles, I was drawn to these colourful, vibrant Polyanthus plants on display. I knew straight away what I planned to do with them and where I wanted to put them. Re-potted and placed either side of the front door, they would help to make the space feel more warm and welcoming.  
I lack patience and appreciate immediacy, so choosing my favourite colours of the pretty flowers on display to buy on the spot instead of growing seeds and having to wait weeks to see them pleased me greatly - instant joy! I left the supermarket smiling, I was feeling pretty damn happy with the pretty little purchases in my trolley.


I then sourced my modern long grey pots from Bunnings and got to work, with help and know-how from my Dad and my boyfriend. Dad tells me my Grandpa was always happier when he had a thumb in the dirt.

FACT: Gardening can help you live longer!

Polyanthus are perennial, so there's a good chance these plant babies will grace me with their presence next year too! Now I love coming home to such a beautiful bright front entrance.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mexican Sand Art Terrarium

This was a fun little project!

I wanted to make my own terrarium, seeing as the craze has taken off again big time recently. But I wanted to make one with a twist, so I blended the idea of sand art and a terrarium together, and the idea came to me like a lightbulb moment to put a mini sombrero on top of the cacti, to add a little Mexican character!

Colouring sand is super easy, all you need is food colouring. Put as much sand as you want in a shallow baking tray and add the food colouring, then mix it with a fork and leave to dry. No need to add water to the mix (tried this and then realised it was an unnecessary step that just made it harder to retain the colour).

I already have some more sand art ideas floating around in my head, watch this space!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Zumba, I found you (again)!


We all know it. As well as a good diet, we need regular to exercise to stay healthy. So why does it sometimes feel so hard?

My thought is this: there is too much focus on the word 'exercise', and not enough emphasis on the word 'FUN!' If you think of exercise as something you have to do, rather than something you want to do, you will continue to have the struggle with your own mind each time as to whether you even go in the first place. All of us have felt it at some stage. The feeling of not wanting to go, not wanting to start. Wanting to stay in bed in the morning or lie on the couch all night. I get it and oh I have felt it too!

It is not always as simple as to Just Do It (sorry Nike, I love you otherwise). You have to want to do it. If someone were to tell me I need to exercise more, my next move would most likely not be to go and put on my joggers. It's like when someone tells you to calm down when you're angry. Yep, it has the opposite effect! It has to come from you.

For a period of time, I recently stopped exercising almost altogether. I felt flat and unmotivated. Of course there were external contributing factors, it wasn't just about physical fitness. But I needed a boost to get me back into action. What I was doing wasn't working, so I had to try something else. Something fun. That something else was Zumba (you've all seen the infomercials, and maybe you've even bought the DVD, but I much prefer a class to dancing at home by myself)! I have done it before and loved it before, but not for quite a while.

So the first step was finding a good class. My googling lead me to the website Ditch The Workout, Join The Party, where you can search for and find a class near you.

The second step was breaking the cycle of seeing movement as something I didn't want to do. That first class back was really not easy. I was just going through the movements, hoping for adrenaline or endorphins to kick in like I know they had before during a Zumba class. The reason for this is you actually have to re-train your brain to think positively. I got lucky and found an amazing instructor with such a positive aura (Angelina at Northside Fitness Centre in Dickson). She is bubbly, upbeat, fun, wears inspirational tank tops and is always smiling! I had a feeling this class was the one to help get me moving again. I made a pact to myself that I would go again the following week, knowing the hard part was over and I would probably enjoy it more next time, as I had done in the past... and I did! 

The third step was adding the class I now think of as Get up and Dance Fridays into my weekly routine. What has kept me going back every week? The feeling of pure joy and euphoria that I now experience every time I go. I look forward to that time of the week when I can dance and feel free (and also negative thought- free!).

Finding the right kind of movement that you actually enjoy will have you excited to get there, feeling good while  you do it and you will leave feeling better than when you arrived.

This can also change over time. Something that worked for you this month may not work for you next month. I personally get bored easily so mixing it up ever so slightly is key. Do what you feel like doing, whether it be dancing, bike ride, lifting weights, yoga, team sports, running, jogging, surfing, swimming, skipping, rock climbing, hiking, you name it!

Do what works for YOU!