Sunday, March 26, 2017

(Disposable) Income - My Entry into the 2017 World Nomads Travel Writing Scholarship

I chose to enter under the story theme 'A local connection.' View my entry (Disposable) Income and wish me luck!


After 3 months travelling through South East Asia, my trip was regretfully coming to an end. It was my last day in Bali, Indonesia, before my flight home that evening and I was determined to spend it visiting the attractions I was yet to see.

The taxi driver who picked me up for the day's adventure was a friendly local man and up for a bit of small talk. He asked me where I'd been travelling in Indonesia so far.

'Kuta, Ubud, Canggu, the Gili Islands…' I rattled off.

'Gili Islands, very beautiful,' he said.

'Have you been before?'

'No, no. My salary will not allow it but I hear very beautiful.'

That stopped conversation for the rest of the journey, I just couldn't think of an appropriate and sensitive way to respond. So instead I stared out the window (Bali is my favourite place to do such a thing, what with its beautiful elaborate gates, temples, and endless rice fields) until we eventually arrived at the Bali Bird Park.

With child-like enthusiasm I explored the park, inhabited by 250 different types of exotic birds.

Hours later, after making many a new bird friend, I returned to the car park to begin the journey back to my hotel. I found my driver waiting for me with the other taxi drivers (we had pre-arranged that he would do the return trip as well), and jumped in the car.

'Beautiful birds, yes?' He queried.

'Yes' I replied, 'Very beautiful birds! Have you been in yourself to see them before?'

'From the outside,' he replied.

When we arrived back at my hotel, I handed him the money for the taxi ride.

'Keep the rest', I insisted.

'Thank you, I will use this to send my kids to school tomorrow.'

As I got out of the taxi, I felt an immediate rush take over my entire body due to the connection we had made that day. I walked away thinking of his children happily going to school the following day.

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