Sunday, March 26, 2017

Two token Aussie chicks adventures at Surf Camp Australia

The Ultimate Experience 5 Day Surf Camp at Seven Mile Beach comes highly recommended!

Truly one of the best weeks of my life!

Day 1:

Bus ride, check in at Surf Camp, intro by Shane, then afternoon surf at 7 Mile Beach! Raining then ok. Team name 'Andy and the Pink Pussys' created. Told what not to do: the snail, the sexy lizard and the humpback whale. Awesome session! Then fun night group games... clothes, singing etc. We were the champions!

Day 2:

Morning surf. Struggle session. Aim was to stand up without going on knees first. Break time, skateboarding attempt! Crazy weather, so cold and slightly stormy. Raining. Wettie time dance party! The two step. Then... jumping pillow!!! Then a really good surf session. Sun came out, prettiest sight ever seen was the waves, the sun kissed beach and a rainbow. Happy days. Finally starting to stand up without knees. Night time Cards of Humanity game and crazy Snap. Fun.

Day 3:

Early morning surf. Not best sleep. Very very windy but fun and caught good waves. Early lunch, then second session. Good surf times. Feeling new and improved, learning to turn and catch more speed. Then shower party, venga boys singing and dancing. Two ice creams from the shop and a trip to the pub. Back for dinner and a surf education 'class' by Shane. SteveO from Jackass was here! Drinks and laughs, dancing with Duckie.

Day 4:

Late start with 10am wetties. Leg through armhole = unsuccessful. Full on high tide, coffee water but lots of fun. Shane helped me to catch last wave and end on a high note, after being hit on the head with my board. The session was called early so no one ended up in hospital. Snap after lunch, quite intense! We were given an option for the afternoon as conditions were quite extreme- go for a walk or surf...I came on Surf Camp to surf, not to walk! To the beach...funny session, current like it was a river that carried us to the sand. Managed to win the title of Most Epic Wipeout of the season. Probably the funniest thing ever seen. Some good waves too :) Night time: spontaneous dance party started by me, Jemma and Kaylee. Joined in by all. Much dancing and craziness! Then on to the park for a guitar singalong and swing shenanigans (attempted to run under but just got slammed-lol!).

Day 5:

Friday Funday! Dress up surf sesh in the morning. Pink undies over wetsuit for 'Andy and the Pink Pussys'! A little surfing and a lot of fun. Pack up time then bus, a little stop off at a nice view before back on the road to Sydney.

After party at Side Bar Wakeup Hostel!

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