Monday, March 27, 2017

Mid- Career Crisis exercise

What do you do if you find yourself a little stuck as to what your next move should be career wise?

Career change statistics suggest that the average person has approx. 5-7 career changes throughout their lifetime, so don't fret!

Here's a simple exercise you can do to get a clearer perspective as to what your next career could be. Write down 10 things that you enjoy doing, big or small, that don't necessarily relate to your current work.

1.   Taking photos
2.   Zumba
3.   Eating healthy foods
4.   Flower arranging
5.   Reading and writing
6.   Travelling
7.   Yoga
8.   Art
9.   Caring for animals
10. Caring for children

Now think of ways you can directly apply your areas of interest to a new industry...

1.   Photography
2.   Zumba Instructor
3.   Nutritionist
4.   Florist
5.   Writer
6.   Travel
7.   Yoga Instructor
8.   Artist
9.   Animal breeder or groomer
10. Childcare Educator

Now look over your list and open up your mind to see where there may be opportunity to combine a few your passions to further pinpoint your potential career prospects. E.g. Pet photographer, travel writer, Zumba or yoga for kids teacher.

Of course your new career venture will take hard work, lots of passion, possible study, determination and time, however the road is a whole lot easier when you have a clear idea of what lights you up. I hope this helps, good luck! :)

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