Wednesday, January 20, 2016

There once was a boy named Robbie

There once was a boy named Robbie
Bonsai is his favourite hobby

We met at a music festival
It wasn't long after I realised he was special
Ricardo's was the café for our very first date
We kissed before that though, just couldn't wait!

We talked and we may have flirted a little
I felt so nervous, but he made me giggle
He was down to earth and genuine
I really wanted to see him again

A bit of time passed and he was still there
Taking me out and showing he cared
I told him I loved him one night, I had to confess
I thought my heart would beat out of my chest!

This boy is like no other
I smiled and told my mother
He's calm and quietly confident,
He's kind and gives me compliments

Life is just better with him by my side
Always there with me on this ride we call life

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