Wednesday, January 20, 2016

There once was a boy named Robbie

There once was a boy named Robbie
Bonsai is his favourite hobby

We met at a music festival
It wasn't long after I realised he was special
Ricardo's was the café for our very first date
We kissed before that though, just couldn't wait!

We talked and we may have flirted a little
I felt so nervous, but he made me giggle
He was down to earth and genuine
I really wanted to see him again

A bit of time passed and he was still there
Taking me out and showing he cared
I told him I loved him one night, I had to confess
I thought my heart would beat out of my chest!

This boy is like no other
I smiled and told my mother
He's calm and quietly confident,
He's kind and gives me compliments

Life is just better with him by my side
Always there with me on this ride we call life

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dotted & Potted

Artist Elspeth McLean's dot painted mandala stones went viral in early 2015. Like thousands of others, I LOVE her work. When I see a new painting of hers, I smile. How could you not?
Elspeth McLean is an award winning artist whose innate love of colour and detail evolved into a unique style of painting she describes as “Dotillism”. She creates her intensely colourful and intricate artworks entirely out of dots created with acrylic paint and a paintbrush. Her refined technique has grown and expanded into the vibrant, precise and soul engaging artworks she creates today. For Elspeth, painting dots is a meditative and grounding experience which is so enjoyable she has dedicated her life to it. Through her art she hopes to connect people with their inner child and to bring some vibrancy and joy to their lives. 

My favourite of Elspeth's artworks: Kauai, Hawaii Sunset. I have this piece as a large wall tapestry hanging in my living room, brightening up the otherwise plain white walls.

Like Elspeth I have always loved bright colours, they lift my spirit and connect me with my inner child, as she mentioned above. When I read her Artist Statement, I felt that I was reading my own (if I were to have one that is!). I distinctly remember years ago speaking about my body of work at the time (paintings of nude fairies) to my Art class in College, and telling my fellow students and teacher that I just wanted to create vibrant, pretty artwork that is enjoyable to look at - nothing dark or disturbing. To me, creating and viewing art should be a joyful experience, and  good for the soul. 
I recently gave colourful dot painting a try, and have quickly become hooked. I'm not big on traditional meditation, but I've found dot painting calms me more than I ever expected. Elspeth uses it to find her happy place, and I can really see why. I now look forward to just sitting down and dot painting, it brings me calm in an otherwise hectic day. The TV might be on, but it won't be my focus. I become oblivious to the paint on my hands, my to do list and the world outside of painting. To be in the moment is so rare, so difficult to obtain. I'm grateful to have found this unique and productive form of meditation.

Purple 'Privileged' plant - the result of my first dot painting project.

I've started painting glazed pots using Glossies Acrylic Paint from Eckersley's, it takes to the surface well and is easy to wipe off when you make a mistake. Cotton buds are my dotting tool of choice. To keep it simple to begin with, I've been choosing one colour per pot and creating a gradient pattern. Practice makes better with dot painting, it takes a short while but I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it now by slowly improving my dotting consistency, one dot at a time!

Of course, it is important to find inspiration from another artist without copying their work completely. I will not copy her artworks and claim them as my own, I only want to use the colourful dot painting technique as inspiration to add more colour and vibrancy to my own household items such as pots, frames and mirrors. I don't plan to make profit from her idea, that would be bad karma!

 I've nicknamed this plant Shakira, because of it's wild and beautiful untameable mane!
 My super cute dotted mini bonsai pot.
My current pot in progress. I can't wait to show you when it's fully dotted and potted!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bon Appétit! Let's Eat!

About a year ago I started collecting recipes in this folder, because I'm a disgustingly organised individual and it brings me joy to see my favourites all neatly in their colour coded sections.

I'm no Nigella Lawson, it has been established. But after a few years living out of home I have finally realised that it's worth putting in that little extra effort to make your meals actually enjoyable to eat, not just to make sure you are eating. Frozen fish sure can get old, as I've discovered. It's been found that on average, most households rotate 9 meals for dinner. In my search for better taste, I've found at least that many!

So here are some of the yummy, simple dishes I've tried, tested and loved so far:

- Spicy Pork Mince & Coriander Noodles.
- Lamb Cutlets with Sweet Potato and Potato Bake
- Asparagus wrapped in Prosciutto with Zucchini Slice
- Super Tasty Cashew Chicken Stir Fry
- Roast Vegetable Couscous with Moroccan Lamb 

- Chorizo and Zucchini Quesadillas
- Chicken, Pesto, Mushroom and Spinach Pizzas
- Tuna Mornay
- Mushroom Beef Stroganoff

- BBQ Chicken Bruschetta with Spinach, Tomato, Danish Feta Cheese and Basil
- Feta, Cucumber, Cherry Tomato, Lettuce, Coriander and BBQ Chicken Salad
- Feta, Spinach, Semi Dried Tomatoes and Sweet Potato and BBQ Chicken Salad
- Marinated Haloumi Cheese and Chorizo Open Sandwiches on Sourdough Bread

- Potato Rosti with Smoked Salmon

- No Bake Reese's Cheesecake
- Pikelets with Whipped Cream and Blueberries 

- Milk Rice Pudding with Raspberries (pictured)

 For Christmas treats I made:
- Chocolate Nut Bark (see below for the recipe!)

Em's Chocolate Nut Bark

Large handful of nuts of your preference (I used pistachios, macadamias, cashews and almonds)
1 bar of cooking chocolate


1.      Break up chocolate bar into squares and place in heatproof bowl.

2.      Melt in microwave using 30 second stints. Stir if necessary.

3.      Pour melted chocolate into shallow medium sized tray lined with baking paper, tilting to cover whole tray.

4.      Sprinkle nuts (whole or cut in half) over chocolate.

5.      Set by refrigerating for 20-30 minutes.

6.      Cut into squares or leave as chocolate bar. 

For a layered effect, repeat steps 1-4 using dark, white and then milk chocolate. 


The next recipe I'm keen to try is Jamie Oliver's Sweet Potato Breakfast Muffins!  

Hungry for more? Want one of the recipes sent straight to your inbox? Email me at 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

My Space, My Escape

For the past year I have been lucky enough to call this place my space, my escape. With a walk-in wardrobe, ensuite, balcony and large window with a gorgeous view, I really felt I'd hit the jackpot when I found this Master Bedroom for rent.

Note: I usually have an artists bedroom (aka messy), so don't feel bad if yours doesn't look like this!

Soon though I will be packing up and going overseas for 3 months, therefore leaving this place behind. Before then I wanted to capture it at its best; afternoon sun pouring through the large windows, inviting me for a nap on my colourful bedspread.

I recently picked up The Art Of Travel by Alain de Botton, given to my boyfriend by my brother for Christmas. I opened the book to a random page and read this paragraph only:

'At the end of hours of train-dreaming, we may feel we have been returned to ourselves - that is, brought back into contact with emotions and ideas of importance to us. It is not necessarily at home that we best encounter our true selves. The furniture insists that we cannot change because it does not; the domestic setting keeps us tethered to the person we are in ordinary life, but who may not be who we essentially are.'

I then closed the book. I felt it unnecessary to continue reading at that point, content in the power these words had given me.

So as much as I love this bedroom, and as hard as it will be to leave, I know it will be worth the adventures that lie ahead.

Aurora Borealis Solar Lamps

Solar lamps are the bomb. That is all.

Oh, and an easy way to find my house at night!


Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 Memorable Moments

If there's anything I learnt in 2014, it was this:

If you're going through hell, keep going.

That year, I survived...and that was enough. With all its challenges, 2015 was a much better year. It is easier for us to remember negative experiences than positive ones, because they affect us greater. So I chose to write down the good experiences I had as I went to be able to look back on at the end of the year, to help me remember and focus on the positive things that happened, big or small.

Jervis Bay Australia Day trip.
Birthday dinner at Cholos.
Started seeing John at Psych Sessions.
Hyatt Hotel exhibition and free buffet dinner.
Autumn photo published in Canberra Times.
Surf Camp with Duckie and visited Keith in Sydney.
Left Franklin Early Childhood School and started working at Springbank Rise Early Learning.
Completed Jamison Flowers course Part 2.
Joined Tri Sports team.
Gained 3 new housemates.
Threw a joint Hippie Housewarming party.
Signed up as a Camp Quality Volunteer.
Completed Cert 3 in Early Education and Care.
Photographed the Governor General.
Set up an Emily Davidson Photography stall at the Hall Markets.
John McGrath Used Cars commercial modelling job.
Wedding photo published in The Chronicle.
Meet the Meerkats experience at Mogo Zoo for Mothers Day.
Bush Kinder commercial photography job for Canberra Early Learning.
V8 Race experience at Wakefield Park.
Rob's boat launch in Yarralumla.
Cam Knight 100 percenter stand up comedy show for Rob's birthday.
Snow Day in Canberra!
James Turrell exhibition with Rob at the National Gallery.
Participated in Guinness World Record break: Most People Stargazing Across Multiple Sights in a Country.
Rozie's visit and stay at Katoomba St.
Bought Magic Cherry Blossom tree.
Extra in Foxtel miniseries Secret City.
Westfield Cerebral Palsy charity Parade.
Miss Tourism Australia heat.
Fashion Styling assisting for Lucy Hendricks workshop.
Completed Agency Photoshoot.
Oktoberfest with Rasa, Dave and Ed.
Dizzie laid an (unfertilised) egg.
Children's Week Dress Up Day and Teddy Bears Picnic.
John McGrath Ford Fiesta commercial modelling job.
For the first time, met another person who has Nightmare Disorder.
Shot wedding with Candice at couple's home in Bungendore.
Hair model for Leslie Henshaw's Pravana Hair Show.
Found the best Zumba class with Ange at Northside/ Fitness centre.
Victoria's Models Christmas Card photoshoot.
2nd shooter a wedding with Dan O'Day.
Christmas parties.
Photo sold to The Hyatt and shared by Katy Gallagher on Facebook.
Styled Photoshoot at Shaw Vineyard Estate.
Santa Pub Crawl with Charlie, Rasa and Dan.
Christmas with the family + Boxing Day brunch with the girls.
New Years in with Rob.

Paper Flowers

I love flowers, but I get sad when they die. Problem solved!