Saturday, June 22, 2019

Emily Sat On The Wall

Like humpty I fell off the wall
And couldn’t get back up
I tried and tried but still I’d fall
Built up by buttercup

I went in for a brain transplant
The one I had was bad
They told me there is always hope
To fix the one I had

But I told them it’s no use
It was broken up in pieces
I need a new one now I said
Before this pain increases

I was taking meds and talking
It worked no longer more
I’d hoped that they’d believe me
And not send me out the door

They had no beds the first day
The second or the third
But they promised they would help me
I felt like I was heard

A week went by
And then another
Overstaying my welcome
With my father and my mother

There were too many sick to take
A bed would not be free
That was the harsh reality
At least, it was for me

I got word of a special place
Where they teach recovery
For adults with mental health issues
Adults just like you and me

I went to school
But not to learn a trade
To gain skills to manage mood
That my illness currently forbade

My lunch packed up
And my shoes tied tight
Ready to learn
And to see the light

I had no tools, I told them
They said we have them here
You can take them home with you to use
When things again get hard to bear

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