Monday, June 10, 2019

Sunrise Is The New Sunset: Out-Running The Black Dog

I did a thing and signed up to run the YMCA Canberra Half Marathon. Over the next 12 weeks, I will be in training which means early mornings, meeting new people and a good reason to get out of bed.

I have a black dog. The black dog is lazy and would rather I lie in bed and feel sorry for myself. Right now The Black Dog is faster than me, but if I keep running I'll eventually catch up ;)

Week 1 of 12: Sunrise Is The New Sunset

Week 2 of 12: Symmetry & Serenity

Week 3 of 12: When one Canberra landmark just isn't enough...

Week 4 of 12: Light Within The Darkness

Week 5 of 12: Peace In The Park

 Week 6 of 12: Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow

Week 7 of 12: Good things come to those who get up early

Week 8 of 12: Reflect & Reset

 Week 9 of 12: Expect The Unexpected

 Week 10 of 12: Follow Your Own Path

Week 11 of 12: Two steps forward, one step back. never mind though, you're still on track

Week 12 of 12: The Fog Is Lifting

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