Sunday, September 30, 2018

Semi-Naked Succulent Cake

As a wedding photographer, I often get to photograph the most beautiful looking wedding cakes!

I was so excited to have the opportunity to learn how to decorate one myself at a class taught by Anita at Across The Board Cake Decorating. I'm a little obsessed with succulents, so this was the perfect class for me!

As a complete beginner (I've never in my life decorated a cake before) I found the class was equal parts fun and challenging! The six hours we had went by super quick!

The ever popular semi-naked cake trend is still going strong at the moment. I really loved learning the technique of getting the cake underneath to show through the buttercream just that perfect amount for a rustic effect.

I can certainly appreciate even more so now the energy, time and skill it takes to make a professional wedding cake. My hat goes off to all the talented, committed cake makers out there!

Here is end result! My cake made it 90% of the drive home perfectly intact... until slipping on the last corner turn before my house. Good thing I got a quick photo at the shop before leaving :)

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