Friday, September 7, 2018

30 Countries By The Age Of 30

I've reached my travel goal of visiting 30 countries by the age of 30! Woohoo!
Here they are listed in order:

                            Australia                                                      Vanuatu
                             Indonesia                                                    New Zealand
                             South Africa                                               Botswana 
                            Zambia                                                        Malaysia
                             England                                                      Ireland

                             The Netherlands                                         Germany  

                             France                                                         Switzerland
                             Italy                                                            Greece

                             Vatican City                                               Monaco

                             Spain                                                           Thailand

                             Chile                                                           Argentina

                             Bolivia                                                        Peru

                             Ecuador                                                       Nicaragua

                             Costa Rica                                                  Panama

                             Turkey                                                        Croatia
What's your travel goal? 

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