Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Choice

Two men are sitting next to each other on a train.

One man says to the other, Where are you going?'

I don’t know,’ the man responds. ‘I was put here.’

‘What do you mean you were put here?’ the other man asks.

I was put here on this earth, three days ago. Weren’t you put here too?’

‘No, I was born here. How did you get here?’

I don’t know.’

‘Where were you before then?’

I don’t remember.’

Both men are equally as confused as each other. The man who was born here thinks everyone was born here, and the man who was put here thinks everyone was put here.

The man who was put here is then given a choice – to stay in this world as it is, or to go back where he came from... wherever that may be.

What choice would you make?

Now to pitch my idea to movie directors... *gets on phone, dials... ‘Hello, Spielberg?’

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