Saturday, August 17, 2019

Make It Art - Song Lyrics

Watch me // turn water into wine
If I make it art // everything will be damn fine

I believe // everything happens for no reason
But I can find a hidden meaning // and flow with the seasons

Write a poem // or paint a pretty picture
You’ll feel a little better // that I betcha!

My imagination works against me // most of the time
But when it’s in my favour // wouldn’t trade it for a dime

Feeling things so deeply // isn’t always fun
But hey, you might take a bloody awesome photo // on tomorrow's run

Left brain // I was born to create
Just like my mate Tony // I can change my own state

When inspiration strikes // I’ve got nowhere to be
Except with me and my mind // on a date with destiny

I could be sitting at home // or on a train in Peru
Start putting pen to paper // you know what to do

Let it flow // even if it ends up in the bin
As we all know // its better out than in

You won’t hear from me // when I'm working on my blog
Just me myself and I // with my inner dialog

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