Thursday, August 22, 2019

Perfectly Imperfect

When trying to make something perfect, 
sometimes you realize some things look better when they aren't. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Life Motto

My life motto: 'DO WHAT YOU LIKE FEEL'

I Am Strong

Re-framing the word ‘Strong’...

Strong enough to love fiercely
Strong enough to trust
Strong enough to listen and learn
Strong enough not to give up

Strong enough to ask for help
Strong enough to cry
Strong enough to be vulnerable
Strong enough to ask why

Strong enough to be imperfect
Strong enough to break
Strong enough to try again
Strong enough to remake

Strong enough to know my weaknesses
Strong enough to admit when I’m wrong
Strong enough to learn from mistakes
Strong enough to move on

Strong enough to use my voice
Strong enough to say no
Strong enough to forgive
Strong enough to let go

Strong enough to dream big
Strong enough to take chances
Strong enough to try new things
Strong enough to roll with the punches

Strong enough to know my worth
Strong enough to walk away
Strong enough to love myself more
Strong enough to call it a day

Strong enough to battle my own mind
Strong enough to keep going
Strong enough to be myself
Strong enough to own my story

I am strong...
Stronger than you’ll ever know

What does ‘Strong’ mean to you?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Make It Art - Song Lyrics

Watch me // turn water into wine
If I make it art // everything will be damn fine

I believe // everything happens for no reason
But I can find a hidden meaning // and flow with the seasons

Write a poem // or paint a pretty picture
You’ll feel a little better // that I betcha!

My imagination works against me // most of the time
But when it’s in my favour // wouldn’t trade it for a dime

Feeling things so deeply // isn’t always fun
But hey, you might take a bloody awesome photo // on tomorrow's run

Left brain // I was born to create
Just like my mate Tony // I can change my own state

When inspiration strikes // I’ve got nowhere to be
Except with me and my mind // on a date with destiny

I could be sitting at home // or on a train in Peru
Start putting pen to paper // you know what to do

Let it flow // even if it ends up in the bin
As we all know // its better out than in

You won’t hear from me // when I'm working on my blog
Just me myself and I // with my inner dialog