Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Leap Of Faith

Thinking of quitting your job and making a career change? About to pack up your belongings and move interstate? Counting the days until you jump on a plane for your first overseas adventure? 

Along with excitement and wonder you're also likely to be feeling a little bit of fear... or a lot of fear. You may be running through worst case scenarios in your head or even questioning your decision. It's perfectly normal to feel this way before making a big change. What you're about to do takes guts. Although the feeling may be unpleasant, sometimes fear can be a sign you're about to do something totally awesome! 

Believe you have what it takes to push through the fear and succeed. Feel the fear and do it anyway! Remember, you wanted this for a reason. Go on, take the leap. You never know, it might just pay off. 

Wonderful things could be about to happen....

The picture above was my screensaver in the weeks leading up my trip to Asia, where I would spend the following three months working as a contracted tour photographer for Life Before Work Travel. This ended up being one of the best experiences of my life so far. 

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