Saturday, October 14, 2017

Personal Mission Statement

'Businesses create mission statements to provide purpose and direction for the company. But it's as vital for individuals to have a mission statement for themselves as it is for any business.

Creating a personal mission statement forces clarity, helps you define purpose, and serves as the foundation for your life goals. It also helps you identify the underlying reasons for your choices and behaviors and what truly motivates you to make change. You mission statement is about defining the personal, moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself.'

I was inspired by this article to write my own personal life mission statement:

To design and live a life I love.
To be driven by passion, compassion and creativity.
To choose my own path, no matter how unconventional.
To be caring and kind towards others and myself.
To not judge without first understanding.
To always maintain a thirst for adventure.
To never stop learning, no matter my age.
To follow my heart, but take my head with me.
To inspire and be inspired.
To never settle.
To learn from my mistakes, and celebrate my triumphs.
To dare to dream, and make dreams a reality.
To live to my full potential, free of wondering what could have been.
To know that when I lay on my deathbed, I will think to myself, 'That was life done right.'

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