Monday, October 23, 2017

Succulent Garden

I'm in love with this little succulent garden of mine. Certainly not an original idea, but one I just had to try myself! A bit of sunshine goes a long way- they've grown like crazy since being planted a few short weeks ago! 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Personal Mission Statement

'Businesses create mission statements to provide purpose and direction for the company. But it's as vital for individuals to have a mission statement for themselves as it is for any business.

Creating a personal mission statement forces clarity, helps you define purpose, and serves as the foundation for your life goals. It also helps you identify the underlying reasons for your choices and behaviors and what truly motivates you to make change. You mission statement is about defining the personal, moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself.'

I was inspired by this article to write my own personal life mission statement:

To design and live a life I love.
To be driven by passion, compassion and creativity.
To choose my own path, no matter how unconventional.
To be caring and kind towards others and myself.
To not judge without first understanding.
To always maintain a thirst for adventure.
To never stop learning, no matter my age.
To follow my heart, but take my head with me.
To inspire and be inspired.
To never settle.
To learn from my mistakes, and celebrate my triumphs.
To dare to dream, and make dreams a reality.
To live to my full potential, free of wondering what could have been.
To know that when I lay on my deathbed, I will think to myself, 'That was life done right.'

Crystal Tree of Life

❤ my sparkly new Tree of Life necklace! 

Gemstone sun catcher from Crystal Moments

Friday, October 13, 2017


One book at a time! If I love a book after reading it, I keep it. If I don't, it goes straight to Vinnies. These amazing reads now call my bookshelf home:

The Accidental Entrepreneur: The Juicy Bits by Janine Allis: With refreshing honesty Janine (investor on TV show 'Shark Tank') shares her journey to becoming the founder of leading Australian brand Boost. From sailing the world working on David Bowie's yacht to selling her family home to finance her growing company, Janine's life has been anything but boring!

I Don't Have Time by Canberra based author Emma Grey and Audrey Thomas: Get back to the things that bring you joy and shape a life you love through 15 minute practical exercises! They are simple and fun, however was actually the stories in between that I enjoyed most. Maybe that's because for me, one of my favourite ways to relax and take time for myself is to read! So by picking up this book I was already in my happy place. There are so many gems of wisdom in this book that I felt the need to highlight my favourite paragraphs.

Humans of New York Stories by Brandon Stanton:  There are billions of people in the world, and countless stories. This is a compilation of many an interesting tale fresh from the streets of New York. Raw, intimate and honest, they are bound to move you... unless you're not human that is.

Unmasked by Turia Pitt: This amazing human is so compelling and confident in interviews even after all she's been through - I just had to know more about her. After suffering burns to 65% of her body during a bushfire in 2011, Turia has inspired and amazed many with her story of survival and strength, both physically and mentally. Her determination to not only recover from her horrific injuries but to make a difference in the world is nothing short of remarkable.

To Pixar and Beyond: My Unlikely Journey With Steve Jobs by Lawrence Levy: As a 90's baby and a huge fan of Toy Story, I was intrigued when I found this book at the Melbourne airport book shop (where you'll always find me before boarding a flight!) Levy takes us back to a time when animated movies were about to blow the entertainment industry out of the water.

 After recieving a call from Apple founder Steve Jobs asking for him to come on board as CFO of Pixar before the launch of their first feature film, Levy had the challenging task of guiding the company to success. Faced with challenges including a restricting contract with Disney, production of the worlds first ever feature length computer-animated film, and the risky business of choosing the right time to take Pixar public, the road was not an easy one but the strength, commitment and undeniable talent of Pixar's team prevailed.

Selfless: A Social Worker's Own Story of Trauma and Recovery by Kristen Holzapfel: Social workers selflessly take care of others, but who's taking care of them? Canberra based now author and business owner Kristen bravely tells her story.

Friendship Ball

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end
It keeps us together like our circle of friends
But the treasure inside for you to see
Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me
Today I pass the friendship ball to you

~ poem by Kashif Majeed

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Thinking About You...

Scandi Boho

Ever wondered how to describe your interior decorating style? Take the Beaumont's What's My Style Quiz to find out! 

You are then able to download your Style Guide which includes a Style Checklist, Mood Board, Idea Planner, Project List, product info and advice. Soon you'll be well on your way to designing and/or decorating your home just the way you like it! 

Here are a few much loved pieces that fill my Scandi-Boho styled apartment. Although they may seem like two contrasting styles, they actually come together beautifully with the boho elements adding pops of colour to the white and blonde wood base palette of the Scandi style.