Sunday, May 14, 2017

When We Travel

Felt the strong desire to put pen to paper one night in Kuta, Indonesia after saying goodbye to most of the second tour group on my journey working as a photographer for Life Before Work...

'Tonight, while sitting at a cute little Greek restaurant by myself watching the rain, I took the time to reflect on the experiences and amazing people I have met so far here in Asia on this trip. Through our love of travel, good times, thirst for adventure and new experiences we have bonded in the rawest of forms.

When we travel, we are often at our most vunerable. Completely out of our comfort zones, away from family and friends, often lacking proper sleep and wearing little makeup, we connect through our shared bucket lists, fears and dreams. Age and possession carry little bearing on who we make friends with.

I've experienced such kindness from strangers and new friends. I've laughed and cried with these people, had amazing convos I'll never forget and been speechless together from the incredible places we've seen. I've made friends with people I otherwise wouldn't have crossed paths with in daily life, and learnt more about the world, myself and other people than I thought possible in only two months.

All this while doing what I love the most. I shed a tear tonight, but I am happy. I will forever be grateful for this amazing, unforgettable opportunity. No regrets!'


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