Friday, September 2, 2016

Time to Wander and Time to Ponder

Travel gives you time. The time to try new things you otherwise wouldn't. The time to ponder life on an 8 hour bus ride. The time to miss your loved ones and appreciate the special relationships you have back home. The time to learn a new skill (at this moment I'm sitting at the airport as my flight is delayed, filling time by learning how to juggle). The time to practice said new skills.

The time to practice patience. The time to question why in our culture we do things the way we do. The time to question why other cultures may not do things the same way. Time to discover ways of living other than your own.

The time to recognise your behaviours, good and bad. The time to make new friends. The time to reconsider your career path or confirm with yourself that you're on the tight track. Time to 'waste' lying in a hammock. Time to get inspired. Time to plan what you want to do 'when you get home...'

Travel gives you time - time to wander and time to ponder.

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