Sunday, June 19, 2016

My Entry into the World Nomads Travel Writing Scholarship

World Nomands have teamed up with Lonely Planet  for their 2016 Travel Writing Scholarship competition. They're sending 3 talented aspiring writers on an Australian road trip, and I want to be one of them!

I chose to enter under the story theme 'A local encounter I'll never forget.' View my entry Breaking down barriers through the universal language! and wish me luck.

Bonding and breaking down barriers through dance - the universal language!
Before leaving for a recent three month travel adventure I decided I really wanted to attend a Zumba class while in South America - after all, it is the birthplace of the dance!
After a failed attempt the previous night (a class at another place simply wasn't on as scheduled), I was dropped off by my taxi driver in a dodgy looking part of town. Feeling unsure as I paid the fare, I walked down the street for a minute until I saw flashing lights coming from a corner studio with a bunch of women chatting outside and the Zumba logo displayed clearly. I felt so relieved, I was finally at a class!
Although the instructor spoke only a little English, he asked me where I was from. When I told him Australia, he gave me a huge hug and a lolly. The class was amazing and exactly what I wanted - high energy, big moves, enthusiasm and lots of fun! Afterwards a few of the local girls I did the class with took photos with me and wished me well. As I sat in the taxi on my way back, I almost cried from happiness because of how good the experience was and just how welcomed I felt. Dance - the universal language!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Dead or Alive

I was recently asked to answer the age-old question, 'If you were to meet any three people dead or alive, who would they be and why?' My answers...

Photographer and mentor to many Jasmine Star - to pick her brain all things photography related! I would love to meet this incredible woman who has guided my practice so much through her open online advice and inspired me to never give up no matter how hard things get.

Zumba creator Beto Perez - to practice the moves of my favourite dance style with the one and only!

World of Wanderlust travel blogger Brooke Saward - to exchange travel stories with one of the most well traveled people in the world! She mentions in one of her posts that writing about her experiences gave purpose to her travelling, which inspired me to write about my own travel experiences (stay tuned for more!).

Blogging for Life Before Work Travel

I've signed on as a blogger for our Life Before Work tour of Central America, YAY! Read my intro post and my first post Surfing 9 to 5: Part One of My Central Adventure Tour, published on their website.