Saturday, July 18, 2015

We're Coming!

Our work on hold,
Our feet off the ground
Time to change our money
From dollars to pounds
Say our farewells,
But not our goodbyes
We'll be back in a few months
Mum please don't cry!
Adventure time begins
The unknown awaits
It's time to explore...
...and make some new mates!
A few weeks in,
My heart is so happy
The thought of life back home
Just seems crappy!
New languages, currencies,
People and food
I never knew experiences
Could be quite this good
Ate paella in Spain,
Went paragliding in Switzerland
Travelled to so many countries
After beginning in England 
Island hopping in Greece
A month into the trip
To break up the cities
We jump on a big ship
Made a bucket list in Italy
Of things I want to do
Had conversations that inspired me
To keep living the life I want to
Saw a show at the Moulin Rouge,
Walked all over Rome
It's been the most fun I've ever had
But now it's time to go home
A suntan, souvenirs
and my travel diary 
Along with unforgettable memories
To take home with me
Travel has lit up my soul
and opened my mind
To experience more of this word
So I'm not just confined
To a life of just bills,
Work and no play
To ordinary years,
Months, weeks and days
So it's time to book another trip
To look forward to next year
Central and South America, we're coming!
Now that's a good reason to cheer :)

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