Friday, June 26, 2015

Set Me Free

(A message to my imagination, written at 4am):
Set me free from these nightmares
So my torment can end
I know they are preparing me
For when the sun descends
But do I really need to remember them?
Night after night
No rest for the wicked
Means my dreams are so vivid
Don't bother me later,
Don't bother me now
Please let me just rest
When I lay my head down
So disturbed by the images,
Exhaustingly intense
So much confusion,
They so rarely make sense
Scared from their threats,
Their disturbing scenes
Like the most horrific movies
I'd never want to see
Imagination, please leave me
(Just not during the day!)
I've had more than enough,
Please nightmares go away!
I need you when I draw,
When I photograph and read
You help me to create beautiful things
For the world to stop and see
But tonight I need you to please set me free
Tonight, the night after, and the night after that
I desperately need restful sleep
Or at least let me peacefully nap!
I won't ask for much more,
I just want this one wish
So my sleep time can once again
Be time that I cherish

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