Saturday, March 28, 2015

Custom- designed Glow In The Dark Sticker

As the big kid I often am, I was looking everywhere for a company that makes cool glow in the dark stickers. There was none in the shops, so I went online. I found a company called Dezign with a Z, who take orders for custom designed glow stickers. So I sent them this moon face and stars drawing I did last year, and they made it into a glow in the dark sticker for me...  so cool!

I love the result! It was too tricky for them to include the fine detail seen in the original drawing, but I am happy with it otherwise, and although I am not able to get a photo that shows the full effect, I can tell you it glows beautifully! The perfect addition to my bedroom ceiling :)

Friday, March 27, 2015

2015 Artwork

I drew this picture on the first day of the year. I coloured this picture today, nearly three months later. That's how scared I was of ruining it!

Sick Day Feels

He stayed until midday,

my caring boyfriend

Brought me breakfast from the cafe,

and we snuggled in bed.


I coughed, sneezed, and felt pretty gross

But still, my morning time friend stayed close.


The big hand struck 12,

and the little one too

He had to leave,

had things to do.


So me and flu will hang out today

Not doing much, just passing the day

With blankets, warmth,

and a hot chai latte.


Love Your Sister and Camp Quality

Love Your Sister, love this book! My brother gave me this book for my birthday and it has been one of those life changing reads that will stay with me forever.

This book is co- written by brother and sister team Connie and Samuel Johnson, after Samuel embarked on and finished the longest unicycle ride in the world around Australia to raise awareness 'Don't fall into the booby trap' and funds (over $1.8 million raised) for breast cancer. At the age of 33, sister Connie was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. This was Connie's third cancer diagnosis, after being diagnosed with cancer at age 12 and 22.

Connie herself talks about going through her childhood friend she met in the hospital dying, her struggle with bullying at school while going through chemo and losing her hair, and now her worry for her children's future - Connie and Samuel's mother committed suicide when they were very young, so they have very little memory of her- will Connie's children grow up knowing anything about their mother?

Although there were times I had to put this book down and have a break, as the writing is extremely honest and really tears at your heartstrings, it is also one of the most uplifting and inspiring stories I have ever heard. What inspired me so much about this story was how this huge campaign changed Connie's life, and how she changed Sam's. Sam's zest for life was re- discovered while doing this unicycle ride. As a celebrity (I watched him on the Secret Life of Us as a teenager), he previously struggled to trust people, often feeling people were just after his money, and became deeply unhappy, also dealing with loss and suffering from bipolar disorder.

Connie asked Sam for the biggest favour of his/her life. To ride a unicycle for over 100km every day for a year, then each evening attended fund raising events in over 150 towns around the country. He ticked things off Connie's bucket list on the way, and partook in dares to raise money such as eating a live huntsman spider, to dressing up in an outfit specifically from Fyshwick in Canberra (woohoo Canberra!). Although Sam was himself left poor after the 3 years total of unemployment and full-time devotion to the Love Your Sister campaign, after meeting so many generous, everyday people and experiencing countless priceless moments, he spent many a night on the road wondering how he deserved such riches.

In Sam's words: 'This is about life, it's about finding meaning in the madness, it's about making something positive out of something negative, it's a happy story.'

I love this book, I love this story. I urge you to read it. It has inspired me to register as a volunteer for Camp Quality. Connie spoke in the book about how much she appreciated being able to go to these camps when she was younger, as she felt safe in the knowledge that the other kids at the camps understood and accepted her illness. I can't wait to hopefully be a part of brightening some young lives just a little with 'Fun therapy'.

To register as a volunteer, visit the website:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Girl with the Rainbow Umbrella

The girl with the rainbow umbrella

Has more to her story

If you ask she will tell you

Her shield, her armour

Her camouflage, her barrier

With her umbrella in hand

She steps out puddles

Without her umbrella

Her mind is just muddled

The spring in her step

Doesn’t come easily

In her world

It rains almost daily

So until the sun appears once again

She will keep her umbrella

In the hope that

It doesn’t stay winter forever