Monday, November 17, 2014

Pretty Inspired ~ welcome to my new blog!

My love for beautiful things has lead to me starting this blog. I've been feeling pretty inspired lately, so here I go!

I will post what inspires me, my art, and my creations, whether it be a quick sketch I did during lunchtime, cupcakes I made and decorated yesterday, the flowers I arranged or bought to brighten someone's day, interior decorating ideas and pretty things for the home, the bracelets I am in the process of making, the new can't put down book I'm reading, or the quote that's currently getting me through the week...

...because we all need a little inspiration at times!

The Pretty Inspired journey starts here :)

xo Em

Photo taken at 'that other Canberra flower festival' - the Tulip Top Gardens! 'Twas just lovely.

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