Saturday, December 20, 2014

Chameleon Cacti

Looking around after a relaxing brekkie at Rodney's Cafe at Pialligo one Sunday morning, I saw these brightly coloured Chamelion Cacti, and just thought they were so cute!
But the pots available were not so cute, so I got my thinking cap on and decided a beautiful hand- painted box would do the trick for a more colourful and detailed look. I knew just the place to get one too - ISHKA!
All that was needed was a few holes drilled into the bottom of the box for drainage. These cacti only need watering once a month, so they are perfect for plant killers like me :)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Rainbow Rose

Red roses represent Love, pink roses represent Gratitude, orange roses represent Desire, yellow roses represent Friendship, and purple roses represent Enchantment.
Rainbow roses represent Happiness. To give this rose to someone is to give them happiness :)

Colour pencil drawing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pastel Hair Chalk

Do you have commitment issues when it comes to your hair? Want to try a new out-there colour but not sure if it will suit you? Liked how your hair looked after you did the Colour Run?
Ever wanted to have colourful hair for the party you're going to on the weekend, but have an important business meeting on Monday to consider? Then consider using hair chalk!
Quick to apply, just draw onto slightly damp hair, and comes out within 1-2 washes (stays in longer for blonde hair). Make sure you  brush your hair before applying the chalk, as it is very difficult to brush through afterwards and may brush out the colour. Curling your hair helps to set in the colour.
Have fun with your own hair chalk experiments!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Two- tone Nails

Step 1: Choose two colours you want to blend.
Step 2: Apply lightest of the two as the base colour.
Step 3: Add darkest colour randomly to nails, without covering the whole nail.
Step 4. Use base colour again to blend colours together.
Step 5: Apply clear top coat.
Step 6: There is no step 6! You're done! :)

Cheers to my mood ring for conveniently being the same colour as my nails when I took these...

Monday, November 17, 2014

ISHKA card triptych

I loved these gold detailed cards so much, I framed them!  I couldn't split them up, they work too well together.

Country Style 2015 Diary

If I'm going to buy a diary I have to look at every day for a whole year, it has to be beautiful!

Happy to have found this lovely diary filled with photos of beautiful textures, flowers, animals, furniture, food and Australian landscape.

2015 wedding photography bookings are now in the diary! :)

1000 Awesome Things

I came across the 'Book of (even more) Awesome' at the Lifeline Book Fair at EPIC this year (along with 'I Lick My Cheese', a hilarious read for anyone who's lived and survived in a share house!). Such an original yet simple concept. If you need a daily dose of positivity, or something to go ahhhh yes, that thing IS awesome! Visit the website

What's your awesome thing?

My personal faves from the book:

Riding home with a box of pizza (or fish and chips) on your lap.

That one person who laughs when you tell a really bad joke.

Letting go of the petrol pump perfectly so you end on a round number.

Taking your high heels off at the end of the night and walking home in bare feet (or your boyfriend's shoes).

Napping with somebody else.

When the person you're meeting is even later than you are.

Finally realising where you know someone from after staring at them forever.

Placing the last piece of the puzzle.

Emptying the recycling bin on your desktop.

Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon.

When the plane suddenly speeds up on the runway.

The first couple of hours of the road trip.

Whipping down the hill really fast on your bike after pedalling hard all the way up.

Accidentally doing something really good in sports.

Setting the new high score on a game.

Taking a spin on the shopping trolley.

Finally getting the perfect photo.

Seeing a really happy dog out for a walk.

Wearing your boyfriend's jumper.

That feeling in your stomach when you go really high on the swing.

Getting to the light at the end of the tunnel.

...and a few of my own:

Doing a prefect reverse parallel park and feeling like you can take on the world.

Bag chips.

Laughing so hard no sound comes out.

Opening mail and finding a cheque in the envelope.

Driving in the opposite direction past a traffic jam.

Re- discovering old video games. Below: Timon and Pumbaa's Jungle Games.

Doodles ~ my non- photographic art so far...




My Vision Board

Vision board complete! ...for now.

The idea is that when you when you look at images every day of how you want to live, where you want to go, what you want to save for, things you want to do, and what you want to achieve, you are more likely to reach these goals and lead the life you want.

It also helps you to clarify what you want in the first place :)

Pretty Inspired ~ welcome to my new blog!

My love for beautiful things has lead to me starting this blog. I've been feeling pretty inspired lately, so here I go!

I will post what inspires me, my art, and my creations, whether it be a quick sketch I did during lunchtime, cupcakes I made and decorated yesterday, the flowers I arranged or bought to brighten someone's day, interior decorating ideas and pretty things for the home, the bracelets I am in the process of making, the new can't put down book I'm reading, or the quote that's currently getting me through the week...

...because we all need a little inspiration at times!

The Pretty Inspired journey starts here :)

xo Em

Photo taken at 'that other Canberra flower festival' - the Tulip Top Gardens! 'Twas just lovely.