Sunday, January 4, 2015

Song Lyric Post- It Notes

An idea for your wall, coffee table top or book cover: Write your favourite lyrics from your favourite songs on post-it notes, and stick them to whatever you will look at most often. Choose lyrics that will inspire you, empower you or move you. When you look at them again, the lyrics will fill your head with your favourite tunes for the rest of the day. ♫ ♬

My personal favourite to chill you out and get you smiling:

Brandon & Leah - Life Happens

So many reasons for you to be happy
So many reasons for you to be smiling
We should be laughing
We should be kissing
We should be here right now

Watch the uplifting video to this song here:

Lucky Charms

Lucky charms, for me usually in the form of a bracelet,  are a way to carry personal significance from past events around with you wherever you go. They can symbolise and represent a certain time in your life, such as being independent and carefree (my charm Moulin Rouge charm from Paris), or they can take you back to a time and place where someone gave you the charm. It could be a four leaf clover you carry around, or it could anything you pick up along the
My current charm is from a recent trip to Byron Bay. As your drive into Byron there is a sign that says: Cheer up ♥ Slow down ☮ Chill out. A little reminder of how I felt at that moment in time. :)

Dizzie's First Christmas

My little Dizzie, excited for his first ever Christmas! He even wore his Christmas hat ;)
Christmas and New Year 2014 have come and gone, and holidays officially end tomorrow. The start of a new year always feels like a fresh start, a chance to re-assess what's important to you, to consider what did/didn't work about your past year, and think about what you really want out of the year ahead.
I like making New Years resolutions that are small and achievable. For 2015: to make the effort to cook nicer meals, to call friends and family more, and to spend more time being creative.
Dizzie's resolution: CHEW ALL THE THINGS! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hot/Cold Yin Yang


In Chinese philosophy, yin & yang describes how opposite forces are actually complementary (rather than opposing) and interconnected in the natural world. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, for instance shadow cannot exist without light.


In the dark of the night, he is there

I curl my fingers into his

Terrified, I feel my chest beating faster and faster

But, he is there


I toss, I turn, I scream, I cry

The nightmares, they plague me

But, when I wake, he is there

Beautiful boyfriend of mine


At 3am, 4am, 5am... he is there

He pulls me closer, closer, so close

We couldn’t be closer

This, finally, is my silver lining